Damage to Eurosat from
Here you can see how the
force from the drop pushed the CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives into
the case, damaging the memory, motherboard and CPU. The powersupply
and harddrive were also destroyed:
- Here you can see that the CD-ROM and DVD-ROM
(which are fairly light weight) were accelerated forcefully enough
to break through the heavy-gauge metal restraints and penetrate
into the interior of the computer (they required a great deal
of force to dislodge):
- This image shows the original foam packing
from the upper corner near the power-supply (where the impact
appears to have occurred). It was forceful enough to destroy
the foam and leave a permanent impression of the powersupply
fan on it. I would guess that the height of the drop was at least
2 meters given the force of the damage:
- This image shows how the lower drive tore
through the memory units and was stopped by the CPU fan. This
destroyed both the CPU and the CPU fan:
- This image shows how the memory units
were torn from the motherboard, detroying both memory units and
the motherboard:
- These images show the damage to the memory
units (there were 2 of them):

- These images show the inside of the power
supply unit. The force was enough to break the power transformers
off of ther mountings within the unit: