Course webpage is here:
Course blog is here:
As robots begin to move outside of factories and into a variety of new roles--from vacuuming floors to performing surgeries, disarming bombs, and driving cars--it is clear that they represent a radical new form of mediated information and agency. Predator drone robots have become the primary tool of the U.S. government in its war on terror, and, at the same time, journalists continue to refer to military robots as "Terminators." These observations raise the question of how our ongoing development and use of robotic media is being shaped by media representations of robotics. This course examines the complex relationship between robots and the media, from both the perspective of representations of robots in the media--including film, television, and news media--and the development of robots as a new form of media. In the first part of the course we consider the types of narrative roles that robots have occupied, as well as how the concepts of robotics and automation are reflected in the social and cultural contexts in which those media are produced. The second part of the course explores recent developments in robotics as forms of digital media, both continuous with and distinct from other types of digital media. We assess how contemporary debates about the potential uses and social impacts of robotic media intersect with popular narratives about robotics, both pessimistic and optimistic. The class also considers what makes contemporary discourses on robotics unique, and what that might tell us about contemporary society and culture. Course materials include readings from a variety of popular, academic, and literary sources--among them texts by Katherine Hayles, Ken Goldberg, Rodney Brooks and Philip K. Dick;and video clips from TV and films including Blade Runner, Robo-Cop, Battlestar Galactica, Surrogates, and Fast, Cheap and Out of Control. Students are expected to produce a short mid-term, and longer final assignment--either a research paper, film or digital media project.
Please email me to setup an appointment.
You are expected to have thoroughly and thoughtfully read the assigned texts, viewed the assigned videos, and to have prepared yourself to contribute meaningfully to the class discussions. For some people, that preparation requires taking copious notes on the assigned readings; for others, it entails supplementing the assigned readings with explanatory texts found in survey textbooks or in online sources; and for others still, it involves reading the texts, ruminating on them afterwards, then discussing those readings with classmates before the class meeting. Whatever method best suits you, I hope you will arrive at class with copies of the assigned reading, ready and willing to make yourself a valued contributor to the discussion, and eager to share your own relevant media experiences and interests. Your participation will be evaluated in terms of both quantity and quality.
As this is a seminar, regular attendance is essential. You will be permitted two excused absences (you must notify me of your inability to attend before class, via email). Any subsequent absences and any un-excused absences will adversely affect your grade.
You will be required to make weekly blog entries
commenting on the readings for the week. You will be
required to create an account on WordPress (if you do not already have one),
and send me an email with your LoginID and the EMAIL ADDRESS used to create the
account, so that you can be added as an author for the collective course
blog. Everyone will be posting to a common blog page, and this will be readable
by your classmates. When writing and making comments, you are expected to treat
other students with the same respect and courtesy as you should in the
You are also expected to read the posts of your classmates, and encouraged to
comment on other people's posts each week. Posts will not be graded (they will
receive 2, 1 or 0 points based on timely completion), but the TA and I will
read them and occasionally comment on them. There will be 10 posts through the
semester, thus 20 points, constituting 20% of your grade.
Comments are strongly encouraged, and you can receive up to 10 points (extra credit) for each substantial comment (paragraph or longer) that you make on someone else's post.
Blog posts will be due before the start of each class. They are time stamped when you post them, and late posts will only receive half credit (1 point).
Research Project Idea Due:
March 3
Length: 300-500 words (approx. 1 page)
Research Project Proposal Due:
March 31
Length: 500-2000 words (approx. 1-4 pages)
Research Project Presentation: May 12
Final Project Due: May 15
Length (media project description): 500-3000 words (approx. 1-10 pages) + Media
Length (research paper option): 3000-5000 words (approx. 10-18 pages)
There will be no final exam. Instead, a final research project will be
required. There are 2 options: Research Paper Option, and Media Project
Final Project will be due shortly after the last day of class. If that deadline will not work for you, you need to make other arrangements one week in advance, at the latest. We will try to set aside time in the last day(s) of class for presentations of final projects. These will not be graded but will offer an opportunity for feedback before submitting your final project.
Project topics can address any aspect of the topics and materials discussed in class. Projects should include materials beyond what is directly covered in class, as appropriate for your topic. In other words, they should require research. The blog will provide many ideas for projects, as will class discussion. You will be asked to submit a short description of your Project Idea early in the semester, and will receive feedback on it.
Later in the semester you will have to write a more formal Proposal for your project, based on feedback and further research. Project proposals should state the research question, problem, or phenomenon that will be the focus of your research. It should also state your thesis or position on the issue, as well as outline the argument you will use to support your position.< This applies to both papers and media projects. You should also indicate the sources and materials you will consult and utilize in making your argument and producing your final project. For the Media Project Option, you should state as clearly as possible what you intend to deliver for the final draft (i.e., video length, style, format, content; website; set of infographics, etc.).
Final Project Presentations will occur on the last day of class. These should be short 5-10 minutes summary of your research paper or project, allowing 5-10 minutes for discussion. Group projects can be presented collectively.
Research Paper Option
This will take the form of a 3000-5000 word (Times New Roman, 12pt font,
double spaced) term paper. You should draw upon sources from the course
readings as well as beyond the course readings. You should cite your sources
Media Project Option
Media Projects can take the form of film and video pieces, audio
documentaries, websites, interactive media, performance pieces, infographics, a
social media campaign strategy, or other ideas. In addition to the actual media
product, you will need to submit your Idea, Proposal, and a Final short written
piece explaining your project, its motivations, methods and what you did to
realize it.
Most of the films and TV programs that will be assigned are available from a variety of sources. Many are available through the New School Library on DVD. In addition, they can be purchased from most book or video stores, rented from most video shop, or found through Netflix. For the videos which cannot be obtained easily in these ways, other means will be provided for you to view these films prior to class.
If you are intersted in focusing on robots in cinema or TV for your final
project, you will find many films and scholarly papers discussing them on a
previous syllabus for this course:
All readings will be available electronically, via the web, in PDF, MS Word, HTML, or similar format.
Course Syllabus Overview
How to create a WordPress Account, and make a Blog Entry
Watch In Class: Honda: Living with Robots, YouTube, 9 min.
Watch In Class: The New Rules of Human/Robot Society, PBS Offbook, 9 min.
Turing, A. M. (1950) "Computing Machinery and Intelligence," Mind 59, pp. 433-460.
Illah Nourbakhsh (2013) Robot Futures, Chapter 1, MIT Press, pp. 1-17.
Watch: Rodney Brooks says robots will invade our lives, Ted Talk 2003, 19 min.
Nicholas Carr (2014) The Glass Cage: Automation and Us, Chapters 1, 2 and 3, Norton, pp. 1-63.
Hans Moravec (2009) "Rise of the Robots--The Future of Artificial Intelligence," Scientific American, March 23, 2009
Hans Moravec (2001) "Robots: Re-evolving Minds at 10^7 Times Nature's Speed," Cerebrum 3 (2), Spring 2001, pp. 34-49.Richard Dempewolff (1949) "Robots ARE People!" Mechanix Illustrated, March 1949.
D. S. Halacy, Jr. (1953) "Our Heartless Friends the Robots," Popular Electronics, May 1963.
Lester David (1953) "The Robots Are Coming!" Mechanix Illustrated, December 1953.
O. O. Binder (1957) "You'll Own "Slaves" by 1965," Mechanix Illustrated, January 1957.
William Tenn (1958) "There Are Robots Among Us," Popular Electronics, December 1958, pp. 48-52.
(1968) "The Robots are Coming, the Robots are Coming!"Time Magazine, June 14, 1968.
David D. Thornburg, (1983) "The Robots Are Coming," Compute Magazine, Issue 36, May, 1983, p. 28
Brian Merchant (2015) "Fully Automated Luxury Communism," The Guardian, March 18, 2015.
Watch: "The Last Job on Earth," The Guardian, 2016.
Watch: Humans Need Not Apply, YouTube video, 15 min.
Watch: The Future of Work Discussion, Davos World Economic Forum
Basic Income Earth Network website.
E. P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class, Vintage Books, 1966, pp. 521-602.
Steven Jones, Against Technology: From the Luddites to Neo-Luddism, 1996.
Nicholas Carr (2014) The Glass Cage: Automation and Us, Chapters 6, Norton, pp. 125-152.
Illah Nourbakhsh (2013) Robot Futures, Chapters 3 and 4, MIT Press, pp. 49-83.
Watch: Paul Verhoeven, RoboCop, MGM, 1987, 102 min.
Watch: Ron Howard, Gung Ho, Paramount, 1986, 112 min.
Richard Powers, "What is Artificial Intelligence?", Op-Ed, New York Times, February 5, 2011.
Lewis Yablonsky, Robopaths: People as Machines, Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books Inc., 1972.
Nick Bostrom (2014) Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers Strategies, Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Oxford University Press, pp. 52-126.
Watch: James Cameron, The Terminator, Orion Pictures, 1984, 107 min.
Watch: "The Terminator and the Washing Machine", New York Times Retro Report, March 7, 2016, 11 min.
"Amazon Echo home-alone with NPR on got confused and hijacked a thermostat"
John Brockman (ed.) (2015) What to Think About Machiines That Think: Today's Leading Thinkers on the Age of Machine Intelligence, Selections, Harper.
Latour, Bruno (1996) Aramis: or The Love of Technology, Harvard University Press.
Watch: Michael Crichton, Westworld, MGM, 1973, 93 min.
"Amazon Echo, Home-alone with NPR on, Got Confused and Hijacked a Thermostat"
Illah Nourbakhsh (2013) Robot Futures, Chapter 6, MIT Press, pp. 109-120.
Nicholas Mirzoeff (2014) "Visualizing the Anthropocene," Public Culture 26(2), pp. 213-231.
The Drone Papers, The Intercept, October 15, 2015.
"The Assassination Complex", "The Kill Chain,"
Paul Sharre (2011) "Why Unmanned," Joint Force Quarterly, Issue 61, pp. 89-93.
Grégoire Chamayou (2011) "The Manhunt Doctrine," Radical Philosophy, Volume 169, Sep/Oct 2011.
Watch: "Drone Controllers Execute Hellfire Strike from Predator UAV," 2 min. (2009)
Watch: Omer Fast (2011) 5,000 Feet is the Best, 30 min. [select from "Omer Fast" and "Videos" menus]
Watch: Faultlines (2011)"Robot Wars," Al Jazeera English, 30 min.
Text of the Attorney General's National Security Speech, March 3, 2012.
Watch: Drone (2014), 138 min., available on Netflix
Watch: Frontline (2009)Taking out the Taliban: Home for Dinner, PBS, 5 min
Watch: Frontline (2011) Kill/Capture, PBS, 60 min.
Watch In Class: Peter Asaro, Love Machine, Kaiczech and Savario, 2001, 110 min.
Monica Rozenfeld (2016) "In the Future, People Will Form Ormantic Relationships with Robots," IEEE Institute, March 4, 2016.
Watch: Allison De Fren, ASFR, 2001, 7 min.Evan Ackerman (2012) "Animatronic Robot Baby Cannot Be Unseen," IEEE Spectrum, January 21, 2012.
Watch: "Watch Humanity Fall in Love with a Robot Garbage Can"
Watch: Allison De Fren, The Mechanical Bride, rough cut, forthcoming.
Watch: David Levy "Love and Sex with Robots" Interview, The Colbert Report, 2007.
Watch: Errol Morris, Fast, Cheap and Out of Control, Sony Pictures Classics, 1997, 80 min.
Interview with Sherry Turkle "What Will Love Come to Mean?"
David Hansen, "Why We Should Build Humanlike Robots", IEEE Spectrum, April 1, 2011.
Watch: Craig Gillespie, Lars and the Real Girl, 2007, 106 min.
Watch: David Hanson: Robots that "show emotion", 2010 TED talk, 5 min.
Watch: Caleb Chung plays with Pleo, 2010 TED talk
Sloman, A. and M. Croucher (1981) "Why Robots Will Have Emotions," Proceedings of IJCAI, Vancouver.
"Emotion" MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.
"Emotion" in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Watch: Alex Rivera, Sleep Dealer, Likely Story, 2008, 90 min.
Mark Anderson, "How Does a Terminator Know When to Not Terminate?", May 2010, Discover Magazine.
Owen Bowcott and Paul Lewis, "Attack of the drones," January 16, 2011, The Gaurdian.
International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC) website.
Rob Sparrow (2007). "Killer Robots," Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 24, No. 1, 62-77.
Jennifer Lynch (2012) "Are Drones Watching You?" Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Mark Corcoran (2012) "Drone journalism takes off," ABC Australia News, February 21, 2012.
"Unblinking eyes in the sky," The Economist, March 3, 2012.
Watch: "Protester Films Polish Riots Using Drone 2011" YouTube, 3 min.
Watch: "Citizens Shoot Down Animal Rights Group's Surveillance Drone" The Blaze, 3 min.