Studio 1

Fundamentals of Programming

Self-Guided Intro to Programming

Do the Fun Programming tutorials, starting with "2. Download Processing. Use point() and line()", and work through as many of these as you have time for:
2-4, 9-12, 18-23, 29-32, 35-41, 47, 54, 74, 94, 104, 121

You can work on the ones you don't finish at home.
If you prefer the textbook format, feel free to work through the Schiffman book below instead.
If you are already familiar with the Processing language, come talk to the TAs or professor.
Once you get comfortable with the language, or finish the exercises, trying writing your own original program, and post it to the blog!

More about Programming with Processing

Reference: Learning Processing, Daniel Schiffman

If you are intersted in learning more programming skills, I recommend taking Codecademy's free self-guided Python course: Learn Python