Connect to drone by wifi. Open a terminal, and run:
Then open a new tab in terminal (ctrl-shift-t), and run:
rosrun ardrone_autonomy ardrone_driver
Then open another terminal tab (ctrl-shift-t again), and run:
rostopic echo /ardrone/navdata
You can see an explanation of navdata here:
Now we going to tell the drone to take off and land. Open a new terminal window (ctrl-n), so you can type commands and keep an eye on the navdata.
rostopic pub /ardrone/takeoff std_msgs/Empty
rostopic pub /ardrone/land std_msgs/Empty
Awesome. Close all your terminal windows and move to the next part.
Open a terminal window and type the command:
roslaunch ardrone_tutorials keyboard_controller.launch
Up, up and away! If the keyboard controller launched successfully, you will now be seeing a live video stream from the drone. If this is the case, we’re ready to fly. The controls (defined in ardrone_tutorials/src/ are:
E – Pitch Forward
D – Pitch Backward
S – Roll Left
F – Roll Right
W – Yaw Left
R – Yaw Right
Q – Increase Altitude
A – Decrease Altitude
Y – Takeoff
H – Land
Remember to keep a thumb on the Spacebar at all times, just in case something goes wrong.
While playing with the drone, in a new terminal window (or tab):
rostopic echo /ardrone/navdata
Guess what this does:
rosservice call /ardrone/togglecam
Now, let's have some visualization fun. Open a new terminal and run:
rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph
These are all the different parts ROS "topics" that are running and their relationships with each other. Topics are info feeds that you can read and write to, with various effects. Navdata is a topic. They're a crucial part of understanding ROS. So, learn more:
Have some fun. Then, close your terminals and move on to the next step.
Open terminal, run:
roslaunch ardrone_tutorials keyboard_controller_with_tags.launch
We've seen this before. But something is different! Grab a tag from the battery box, and hold it in front of the drone. It should display a marker over the tag.
Now, in a new terminal, run:
rostopic echo /ardrone/navdata
There's a new section for tags. More information can be found here:
This harkens back to the AR.Drone's original purpose as an augmented reality games toy. You should browse the AR.Drone SDK to see how lame ideas sometime lead to great products. Tag detection adds a whole new level of interactive potential, though.
Anyway, close your terminals and move to the next step.
Some background: what we're running so far is ROS with two packages, ardrone_autonomy (the important one) and ardrone_tutorials. We're going to dig around ardrone_tutorials and make it do something new!
Open ~/ros_workspace/ardrone_tutorials/src/ Most easily done by:
gedit ~/ros_workspace/ardrone_tutorials/src/
We've found the keymapping file! Under "class KeyMapping(object):" you'll see a list of keymaps - let's add our own. Put in:
Custom = QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_Z
Line it up with the others correctly - python's big on that. Ask for help!
Now go down to "def keyPressEvent(self, event):" (not to be confused with "def keyReleaseEvent(self,event):") and you'll see an IF loop. We're going to put ours in here. Under "elif key == KeyMapping.Land: <linebreak> controller.SendLand()" put in:
elif key == KeyMapping.Custom
rospy.Publisher('/ardrone/setflightanimation',"1 0")
Now save and let's try it out. Run:
roslaunch ardrone_tutorials keyboard_controller.launch
Hit Z and see what happens! These are predefined flight animations. More info is available here:
Experiment with flight animations (except flips - save those for when you're outside). You can see a list by running:
gedit ~/ros_workspace/ardrone_autonomy/srv/FlightAnim.srv